Did you know that there are 4 pillars for good health? To achieve optimal health, it is more than just exercising. And eating healthy.
Also...what does it mean to eat healthy and to exercise? Everyone has different definitions of what that means!
If you are struggling with
Low energy
Constipation and bloating
Muscle and tendon injuries
Poor memory and brain fog
You'll want to pay close attention to how YOU can optimize each of the FOUR pillars.
The Four Pillars of Health
SLEEP: This includes more than just the number of hours you sleep, but the quality of your sleep. It also includes your sleep hygiene, like what your bedtime routine is 2-3 hours before you go to bed. Here are a few questions to ask yourself:
Do I feel well rested when I wake up?
Do I have to take a nap in the middle of the day due to low energy?
Do I eliminate electronics at least 2-3 hours before bed?
Do I take the time to start my day with a 10 minute outdoor morning walk within the first hour of waking up?
Do I chose to do intense exercise during the morning/early afternoon versus evenings?
If you answered no to any of these questions, I recommend working with someone who can help you establish a healthy daily routine to improve your sleep. How you sleep depends on not only your bedtime routine 2-3 hours before bed, but also what you do in terms of movement, exercise, and daily habits during the day time. What you do during the day determines the sleep quality and quantity at night.
NUTRITION: Having optimal nutrition and diet is important to keep the gut bacteria in your large intestine happy. Your gut bacteria helps with your immunity, fights pathogens, digests food and absorbs nutritions, and produces vital vitamins. What you eat also helps fuel your body for all the cells in your body to function, including your muscle and brain cells! More importantly, its not only WHAT you eat, but HOW and WHEN you eat.
EXERCISE: What do you do for exercise? Are you sedentary most of the day, sitting at your computer? Movement and exercise are key for improving your digestion, producing your "happy hormones," strengthening your bones, muscles and ligaments, and for brain health! Incorporating a variety of exercise types in your day, like strength training, cardio, and restorative exercise is key! Too much of one type of exercise can result in repetitive stress related injuries.
MINDFULNESS: We all need to calm our minds. Our minds are constantly on the go, 24/7. Especially in Silicon Valley, the pace of life is fast! When is the last time you absolutely did nothing. Like truly rested? Our brains need rest too. And our brains need rest more than just during the hours we sleep.
Now that you know the 4 pillars of health, write down a few notes of what you are doing for each category. When I work with clients, my goals are not only to help them move and live pain-free, but also to optimize their lifestyle and wellness. This includes optimizing their sleep, exercise, nutrition and mindfulness. How you live in your 20's and 30's will 100% impact you in the 50's and 60's. The short costs today will save you long term dividends!
Book a 15-minute consult to learn more about how I can help you reach your movement and wellness goals!
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