One of my goals for myself has always been to improve my overall wellness through optimizing my nutrition, hydration, movement and exercise routine, sleep hygiene, stress management, and emotional health.
Even when I work with clients, I always try to have the approach of optimizing all the systems, rather than just treating your symptoms. This means, optimizing the function of your:
Digestive system: your gut, how you eat, what you eat, how your foods are processed/broken down
Musculoskeletal system: your muscles, tendons, ligaments, bones.
Nervous system: nerves wrap around your entire body.
Immune system: 80% of your immune system is in your gut.
Reproductive system: this includes organs like your ovaries and uterus.
Lymphatic system: this spans across the entire body, especially the gut and pelvic floor.
As an example...So, how do I optimize your immune system? Since 80% of your immune system is in your gut, I absolutely love diving into all the fascia and connective tissue in your abdominal wall, rib cage, and neck region to make sure all the fascia is hydrated and sliding/gliding well. Fascia (or tissue) that is tight, dehydrated, and sticky means that the immune system can be "overwhelmed" and "congested" in all that TIGHTNESS!
Especially as a PT, I love working on people's musculoskeletal systems! The reason why you're probably experiencing pain and discomfort is likely because SOMETHING ELSE is not working as well. As an example, I notice that so many people have urinary leakage. This isn't necessarily JUST due to pelvic floor weakness, but also can be due to poor mobility in the feet or rib cage, causing excess load and force onto the pelvic floor. Another big one is constipation. You could actually be constipated because your diaphragm muscle is so tight and stuck inside your rib cage, that it is unable to "drop" or "descend" down to MASSAGE your colon.
One of the best approaches to improving overall health and PREVENTION is OPTIMIZING ALL YOUR SYSTEMS! Everything functions together!
Did you know that your gut not only contains 80% of your immune system, but also contains its own nervous system and lymphatic vessels to process toxins and wastes?
Everything is literally connected.
If you're improving one system, you're likely improving another!
So, if you're looking to improve your overall quality of life, and just feel ALIVE in yourself, reflect on the health of each of your individual systems. Here are a few things you can ask yourself.
Digestive system
Am I chewing my food 30-40 times per bite to allow adequate time for my hormones and enzymes to be released to start digestion?
Am I eating regular meals to maintain my blood glucose levels?
Am I eating a variety of foods (colors + variety) in my daily diet?
Musculoskeletal system: your muscles, tendons, ligaments, bones.
Am I participating in some level of movement every 1 hour when sitting at a desk for 8-10 hours?
Am I incorporating at least 150 minutes of moderate intensity exercise?
Am I incorporating strength training and weight-bearing exercise to optimize my bone health, before its "too late?"
Nervous system: nerves wrap around your entire body.
Am I waking up feeling well rested each morning?
Do I tend to tighten my neck or pelvic floor muscles with increased levels of stress?
Immune system: 80% of your immune system is in your gut.
Am I waking up feeling well rested each morning?
Are your stress levels consistently sky high?
Do you have lot of tummy troubles or bloating?
Lymphatic system: this spans across the entire body, especially the gut and pelvic floor.
Am I able to sit for prolonged periods of time without feeling heaviness or discomfort in my legs?
So, I think our medical system needs to shift from treatment to prevention. Really focusing on each person as a whole, and providing recommendations and guidance on optimal living and lifestyle.
If you're interested in talking more and setting up a 15-minute free phone consultation, click the button below!